
Developing A Good Oral Care Routine

Brushing every morning and before you go to bed will not guarantee that you will have perfect oral health. You need to give your oral health better attention than that. While scheduled checkups and cleanings with your dentist, Dr. Hanah Pham of Reston Sunrise Dentistry in Reston, VA, could really help keep your oral health in check, you should likewise practice good oral hygiene habits at home.

Your Personal Oral Hygiene Routine

Before you come up with a truly effective oral hygiene routine, you must have a clear goal. Oral health starts with clean teeth and gums, but it does not stop there. Keeping your entire mouth clean and healthy also translates to the prevention of diseases and cavities. That being said, a good oral hygiene routine is personal. This means that your routine may involve the same activities as everyone else, but how you do it should correspond to the actual state of your oral health. So how do you determine this?

The best person to help you figure out the state of your oral health is your dentist. Any good oral hygiene routine, therefore, should be done in consultation with your dentist in Reston, VA. Your regular dental visits will also allow for adjustments to your oral hygiene routine so it can continue to respond to the actual status of your oral health.

Basic Proper Oral Hygiene Techniques


Done at least twice a day, start with choosing the right soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. The brush should form a 45-degree angle to the area where the teeth and gums meet. Likewise, use short, gentle, circular, back-and-forth strokes to avoid hurting your gums.

Brush all tooth surfaces and every quadrant of your mouth for at least two minutes and do not forget to clean your tongue to eliminate bacteria buildup. Rinse your toothbrush after use and store it in an upright position and air-dried. Additionally, make sure you replace your toothbrush at least every three months or as soon as it gets worn out.


This must be done at least once a day for cleaning spaces between the teeth and gums including areas where your toothbrush cannot reach. Make sure that the floss is long enough to allow you to wind the ends to your fingers. Hold the floss firmly with your thumbs and forefingers and then gently guide the floss between the spaces of your teeth. At the gum line, curve the floss to create a C shape and use a back-and-forth motion.


This is when all the dirt gets washed away from your mouth. Fluoride mouthwash is ideal to prevent tooth decay, while antibacterial mouthwash is effective in controlling plaque and reducing gum disease.

If you work together with your dentist and you follow these proper techniques, you will be able to develop an effective oral hygiene routine especially for you.

For Concerns or Advice on Your Oral Health, We Can Help

Call (703) 860-4148 to set up a consultation with our dentist here at Reston Sunrise Dentistry in Reston, VA, Dr. Hanah Pham.

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8:00 am-4:00 pm



